Guaraná-natural stimulant and coffee replacement

Guaraná – Natürliches Genussmittel und Kaffee-Ersatz
Guaraná – Natürliches Genussmittel und Kaffee-Ersatz

Guaraná erfreut sich in den letzten 20 Jahren einer stetig wachsenden Beliebtheit. Die Samen der Guaranápflanze werden vor allem von Menschen geschätzt, die weniger den Verzehr von Kaffee pflegen, jedoch trotzdem nicht auf die Wirkung von Koffein verzichten wollen. Wie die Wirkung von Guraraná tatsächlich ist, welche Vorteile die Pflanze noch mit sich bringt und wie wir diese bei LiveFresh nutzen, erklären wir Dir in diesem Artikel. 


  • Guarana ist eine natürliche Koffeinquelle und bietet eine schonende, langanhaltende Alternative zu Kaffee, da das enthaltene Tannin die Wirkung über mehrere Stunden entfaltet.
  • Die Guarana-Samen wirken durch langsame Koffeinfreisetzung, wodurch sie magenschonender sind als Kaffee.
  • LiveFresh kombiniert Guarana mit kaltgepresstem Orangensaft für einen natürlichen Energiekick.

Guarani - The indigenous people of the Amazon

The guaraná plant belongs to the soap tree family and was first mentioned scientifically in 1821. Its seeds are red, shiny spheres that appear in bunches from the foliage. The Guaraná gets its name from the indigenous people of the Amazon: the Guarani. They have been using the plant for centuries to combat fatigue, hunger and thirst. Today's main cultivation areas are Paraguay, Venezuela and Brazil.

Paullinia cupana - its Latin name - is native to the Amazon basin and has been enjoying increasing popularity for 20 years now. This is due to the fact that guaraná is a plant-based, natural stimulant with a high caffeine content, making it an excellent alternative to established caffeine sources such as coffee or black tea.

Gentle continuous pusher and more than just a coffee substitute

According to current knowledge, guarana is the perfect alternative for people who have a problem with coffee but cannot and do not want to do without the effects of caffeine. Long-term high coffee consumption leads to irritation of the stomach lining. The previous alternative - black tea - has the disadvantages of black stains on the teeth and is time-consuming to prepare. Guaraná has the great advantage over the caffeinated drinks mentioned above in that the effect develops more slowly and lasts significantly longer. While the effect of coffee ends after a maximum of one hour, guarana drinkers can expect an effect of four to six hours. This is due to the high tannin content. Tannins are tannins that bind the caffeine and thus delay its absorption in the body, which ultimately leads to a longer effect of the caffeine. This slower absorption due to the binding also makes guarana much better tolerated by the stomach lining than coffee.

A natural stimulant

How guarana can be consumed

Guarana seeds have a very tart, bitter taste. It is therefore not recommended to consume them pure. The active ingredient guarana is now increasingly found in chocolate, various fruit teas and energy drinks.

Natural energy drink

We at LiveFresh have also thought about how we can make guarana available to you in a tasty way. The result of our considerations and tests is our juice Hey Wach. Here we combine our healthy, cold-pressed orange juice with caffeinated guarana powder straight from the Amazon.

Our tip:

Whether you're a student, manager or shift worker: Our juice is the perfect companion for physically or mentally demanding days during exams, important meetings or the next night shift. Let's get started with our Orange meets Guaraná Juice: Off toHey Wach.Click here to go to the online store.

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