Juicing needs to be learned

Entsaften will gelernt sein
Entsaften will gelernt sein

Gepresste Säfte gelten dank ihrer vielen Vitamine und reichhaltigen Nährstoffe als äußerst gesund. Wir wollen euch in diesem Blog näher bringen, welche Möglichkeiten des Entsaften es gibt, auf was ihr dabei achten müsst und warum die Vitaminbomben nur selten regelmäßig und vor allem dauerhaft in der heimischen Küche produziert werden.


  • Selbstgemachte Säfte sind gesund, aber zeit- und platzintensiv, da sie frische Zutaten und spezielles Equipment erfordern.
  • Zentrifugalentsafter erzeugen Hitze, wodurch Nährstoffe verloren gehen; Slow Juicer sind schonender.
  • LiveFresh verwendet ein Hochdruckverfahren (HPP), das ohne Erhitzung die Haltbarkeit verlängert und Nährstoffe erhält.

Die Qualität der Zutaten ist entscheidend; frische, flüssigkeitsreiche Früchte eignen sich besonders.

Space and time problems when juicing

Although pressed juices are extremely tasty and healthy, only a few households still regularly prepare the drinks themselves. There are several reasons for this. On the one hand, many different types of fruit and vegetables are required. On the other hand, the time factor also plays a role here.

Not everyone who enjoys the drinks has the space to squeeze two glasses of orange juice for themselves and their partner, for example. In addition, not everyone who works or studies full-time has time to prepare juice every morning. Juicing should also be learned. After all, not all juices are the same.

There are two options for home-pressed juice from the home kitchen: the centrifugal juicer and the slow juicer. Due to the high number of revolutions, many nutrients are lost during juicing in variant 1 due to the heat generated by the centrifuge. The slow juicer, on the other hand, grinds the fruit and vegetables more slowly without generating heat. This is a much gentler way of juicing and preserves all the nutrients.

The problem of durability

In both cases, however, the juice can only be kept for two to three days. Due to our special high-pressure process we receive at LiveFresh all the nutrients. However, you can enjoy our vitamin-rich drinks for at least 6 weeks without any loss of quality or taste.

Product quality is the be-all and end-all

However, the most important thing when juicing yourself is and remains the quality of the fruit or vegetables and the know-how of which varieties are actually suitable. For example, we source our fruit from the best growing regions for each fruit and know all of our suppliers personally. We therefore also recommend that you buy your products from the (organic) store around the corner or your trusted market trader.

Fruit and vegetables in particular, which have a high liquid content, provide an ideal basis for juicing. Examples include citrus fruits, apples, carrots and celery stalks.

If you follow the tips mentioned above, you will be able to enjoy extremely tasty juices in the future. However, if this is too much for you and you're looking for a solution to your space and time problems, you've come to the right place. Open the fridge - take out the small bottle - and you can enjoy a cold-pressed juice from LiveFresh enjoy. Click here to go to the online store.

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